Initial Actions

Initial Actions

The first crew on scene use the acronym SADCHALETS to plan out their course of action:

S - Summon assistance
A - Assess the situation
D - Disseminate the following to the emergency services
C - Casualty or casualties
H - Hazards 
A - Access
L - Location
E - Emergency
T - Type
S - Safety

By going through this process it means that the necessary services can get to the scene in the shortest time possible which is important as the quicker they get there the more likely they are to make a difference. The emergency services have something called the 'golden hour,' this basically means from the time of the incident the emergency services have 1 hour to get a casualty onto a hospital bed to save their life. Also the services may need to get there in order to stop somebody's property getting damaged.

To help the emergency services get to the scene quickly and safely their vehicles are fitted with visual and audible warning devices. Basically put this is the flashing lights on the vehicles and the siren. These are put in places in order to let traffic know that they are coming through and are attending to an emergency.

The Highway Code

The highway code states when a emergency vehicle approaches : “Do not panic. Consider the route of the emergency vehicle and take appropriate action to let it pass. If necessary pull to the side of the road and stop but do not endanger any other road user”